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Intellij Idea Hotkeys worth knowing

January 14, 2020 2 min read Development Productivity

Here is a list of useful Hotkeys for IntelliJ IDEA which will help to navigate over IDE and code in a more productive way

IDE Navigation

Ctrl + ` - Quick Switch Scheme

Ctrl + E - Recent files

Ctrl + Shift + E - Recent locations

Ctrl + Shift + I - quick definition

Alt + 1 - Project view

Alt + 2 - Favourites (also show markers/bookmarks)

Alt + 9 - Version control panel

Alt + F12 - Terminal

Alt + Home - Navigate/ Jump to Navigation Bar

Ctrl + Ctrl - Run anything

Shift + Alt + F10- Run/Edit Configuration

Shift + Alt + F9 - Debug config

Change panel size

Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down - change panel size

Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right - change project panel size

Code navigation

Ctrl + B - Navigate to Declaration

Ctrl + Alt + B - Navigate to implementations

Ctrl + U - Navigate to Super method

Ctrl + F12 - Show file structure

F11 - Toggle Bookmarks

Ctrl + F11 - Toggle Bookmarks Named booksmarks

Ctrl + #[0-9] - Go to numbered bookmark

Ctrl + Q - Quick documentation

Alt + Shift + Up/Down - Move line Up/Down

Productivity guide

From the menu: Help -> Productivity guide : shows used IDE features

Hot keys are taken from the following Anton Arhipov talk: эффективная работа с IntelliJ IDEA -

PDF file with default Key map can be found here IntelliJ IDEA Reference Card